Dear Folks,
A testimonial I would like to share with you. A few years ago I ordered
your plans and constructed the "Studio Harp". I spent a year of practice
and performed on it a our church's Christmas Eve service (a story in
itself). I received many kind and sincere comments. Several of the members
commented on the volume and quality of sound. A number of the comments
were very emotional. They loved it, yet knowing me they couldn't believe I
constructed it and taught myself to play . I took the chance though, to
offer you people the credit, not only for the plans, but for your care in
helping me. A few months ago I completed a harp called the Cambric 34. I
was very careful in the construction, from the selection of stock, gluing
and finishing. I was very careful in the selection of the strings as well.
It's a good harp, as far as I, a novice, am able to discern. The harp has
excellent bass, though dull in the higher octaves. My first child ( the
"Studio Harp"), sat off to the side. One day I sat down and began to play
it again, It was, if I can describe it, like a comfortable chair. It has a
personality, it's been a faithful friend. I like the Cambric, but I Love
my "Studio Harp". The Cambric is stiff, yet the my Studio Harp bends with
my every emotion. I have had some very difficult moments recently and yet
my friend allows me to take my out feelings and returns me with a
wonderful sound. I don't know how you other harps are, yes I've heard them
on the Internet, but they don't breath like mine, so don't try to convince
me the others are better.
I am though, getting ready to order your Limerick and new bowed psaltery
plans (if my wife will let me have some money and I can locate a new saw).
If you have any big discounts on these, please let me know.
Thank you,
-Bill Lively