Harp Rental

Yes - Musicmakers rents harps. Renting harps is a great way to get your feet wet in the world of harps without a large investment.
Musicmakers rents harps for $150/month. A 10% security deposit is required when picking up the harp.
Please call or email in advance to see what harps we have available for rental.
Send us an email of give us a call at 651-439-9120 to schedule an appointment.
How hard is it to learn to play the harp?

Harps are extremely accomodating instruments for beginners because even the simplest phrase will sound lovely on a harp. You'll enjoy the sounds coming from this instrument from the very first time you pluck the strings. Practicing the harp can be relaxing and pleasant as you let the soothing sounds and vibrations from the long, low notes, wash over your body and mind.
However, like any musical instrument, it will take time and practice to develop proficiency. People with a piano background are particularly well-suited to learning harp because they both play from the same 2 clef music. But a piano background is not a pre-requisite. The layout of the strings and notes on a harp make it easy to learn the basics of music.
But the most important thing to understand is that YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN LEARN TO PLAY THE HARP. Truly. You can learn to play if you want to. And you will enjoy doing it.
You can even teach yourself to play the harp at home. We have two excellent books that will walk you through every step of the way.
Teach Yourself to Play the Folk Harp by Sylvia Woods - This book has been the standard for over 40 years. Well layed out and very thorough, it will take you to an intermediate level.
Play the Harp Beautifully by Pamela Bruner - This a more modern series. It has a more visually oriented layout and the learning is spread out over three volumes.
Harp Teachers
While you can use a book to learn on your own, we highly recommend getting some lessons from a harp teacher. The value of taking even just a few lessons from a qualified harp teacher can't be over-emphasized. A good harp teacher can get you started with proper technique, help you learn how to tune and care for you instrument, provide you with listening resources, and just be an all around inspiration to you. Not to mention the fact that paying for lessons is a strong motivation to practice.
The Twin Cities is incredibly lucky to have a wealth of excellent harp teachers.
So what are you waiting for? Harp rentals are cheap, teachers are plentiful. Do it!