How is the Reverie Harp played?
The simple answer is: You play the Reverie Harp however you want.
With our pentatonic tuning there are no wrong notes. You can -
- strum all the strings
- pluck indivual strings
- pluck any two or more strings together
- strum it with a pick
- tap it with hammered dulcimer hammers or even pencil
However you choose to play the Reverie Harp- it will sound good!
"The tone is just very calming and peaceful. You can't make a mistake which is what I really like about it."
-Kim Donley, music therapist at Abbott Northwestern Hospital
Here is a track reocrded by Colleen Politi. Colleen is a Certified Clinical Musician and this piece is something she improvised on the Reverie Harp and would be something she might play a the bedside of somebody that is ill, recovering from surgery, or approaching the end of life.
Download the MP3
Playing songs on the Reverie Harp
There are a few pentatonic melodies that can be played on the Reverie Harp. We offer songsheets that slide right under the strings so you can simply follow the notes to play songs.
Lots of thought went into the shape of the Reverie Harp. We designed this instrument to be something that ANYBODY can hold and play. That meant that the Reverie Harp had to be:
- lightweight
- no sharp edges
- small enough to fit easily into bed
- aesthetically inviting

The Reverie Harp is a Tool!
Here is are a few videos that demonstrate different ways to use the Reverie Harp.