In order to get a suitable replacment, you must properly identify the note of the harp string you intend to replace! Please follow these instructions.
Attention - this is to replace nylon strings only. To find a replacement wound string please click here.
Study the picture below. The harp shows a five octave harp with 36 strings and a range of C2 to C7. Each string on the harp correspondes to a white key on the piano keyboard.
We use a Scientific Pitch Notation to identify the octaves. Middle C is C4. The octave numbers change at every C. So the C one octave above Middle C would be C5. Study the keyboard and this should make sense.
Correctly identify any one note on your harp and then you'll be able to figure out the rest of the notes. If you are not sure where Middle C is on your harp, here is a sound file that plays Middle C (C4).
Play the sound file and pluck the C strings on your harp until you find the matching note. That is Middle C (C4). From there you can count up or down and identify the rest of your strings. Once you know the correct note you can make your selection from the drop down box above.