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    CG Wave

    Thumbnail Filmstrip of CG Wave Images

      Purchase CG Wave

      CODE: fn-wave-cg
      CG Wave



      CG Wave

      The Waves are one of the most amazing sound tools ever created. Each Wave has two tones tuned a fifth apart, and a deep bass tone nearly three octaves lower than the upper two.

      The interval of a fifth is the most harmonious interval: two vibrations of the lower tone equal exactly three vibrations of the upper tone creating an extremely relaxing tonal combination. These vibrations are felt when grasping the handle, but the tones are not affected. They sustain for over 30 seconds.


      • 2 notes (C-G)
      • 3/16" aluminum
      • Includes 1 Wave Mallet
      • 2 pounds
      • Dimensions: 21"x14"x.187"

      Sound Sample

      (headphones recommended)

      Sooooo Cool!
      I LOVE this instrument! I was able to use it for my most recent sound bath and the way it resonated around the room was incredible.
      Verified Buyer
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      This sounds awesome. It has a nice ring and long sustain.
      This sounds awesome. It has a nice ring and long sustain. I really haven't figured out how I am going to use it, but thought it would be nice to have in my tool kit of musical instruments. It should be noted that it is available in other keys and I wish that information was readily available. It would also be nice to know that the Wave instruments are not made by MusicMakers.
      Jim Baur
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