Testimonials: Bouzouki
I'm very satisfied with the build quality and sound of my instrument. It was packed very well and arrived in a timely manner. I love the non-glossy finish and the woods used make it very light but do not detract from the sonic fullness.
By the way, I'll be playing this at Scottish events on the west coast. I'm a member of the Anderson Clan and the tree you offer for the sound hole looks just like the oak tree on my clan crest-perfect! Thanks again for making me such a beautiful instrument!
Joe Anderson
Well it's been a bit of time, much has happened in the meantime. However, you'll see by the attached photos the bouzouki is looking pretty good. I've included an overall view, the rosette, the peghead, and some detail on the edge I did in abalone. I put some burl on the peghead, as I'm sure you can see. So the instrument is pretty customized beyond your kit. The JAS on the peghead is a signature I've used since I was a kid. That's a vinyl print of my sig. attached to the top of the head and flush finished with 15 layers of clearcoat. You can see it on the overall pic, but it looks most clear in the detail.
Your two kits (mandolin and bouzouki) have given me the confidence to try an instrument from scratch. That's very cool and says a lot about how well your kits prepare a good craftsman to move forward. Congratulations! Truly, and thanks again!
Best regards,
Luthier in the raw...
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Dear Jerry & all the other Musicmakers,
Here are two pictures of the bouzouki I built, including a case for traveling. One advantage of being an Old Folkie is going on Elderhostel programs. We'll be going to Ireland for two weeks to study Irish music & dance, but I doubt if the Chieftans need to worry about competition! Right now I am experimenting with the Irish tuning of DADG since I'm used to DAD tuning on the dulcimer.
Clayton Welch